Welcome to the team!

Welcome to the Riverside Community Church staff onboarding process! This page is designed to be a "one-stop" central hub for all the resources designed to help you become familiar with the mission, vision, core values, and the culture of our church and leadership team. There are three questions everyone on our staff at RCC must be able to answer: What are we doing? Why are we doing it? Where do I fit in? So as you work through the various steps we encourage you to take notes, ask questions, and keep coming back here as often as necessary until you have a sense of ownership of the content we have curated here for your benefit. We're praying for you!


Step One

Fill out and return the appropriate application needed to begin your new ministry role! Our Bookkeeper and Business Administrator will assist you in this process. By now you should have walked through the interview questions and taken these assessments but if you need a recap of what you've done here they are ... 


  1. Core Values Assessment
  2. Enneagram Type
  3. Evangelism Styles Assessment
  4. Introvert/Extrovert Spectrum Assessment
  5. Myers-Briggs
  6. Sacred Pathways Inventory
  7. Smalley/Trent Personality Inventory
  8. Spiritual Gifts Inventory
  9. VARK Assessment
  10. Working Genius - a link to take this assessment will be emailed to you! 
  11. Work Appreciation Languages - a link to take this assessment will be emailed to you! 

Watch the Transition Of A Leader message from our Lead Pastor. It will give you context to our overall vision for leadership and the seven C's that shape our leadership culture. 

Step Two

Watch the online New To Know Session. This is what we share with everyone in our church who is considering whether they wish to become a part of the family to help them get acclimated to who we are. Follow along with the video and work through the links to familiarize yourself with our mission, core values, culture, ministries, and team. This will also aid you in becoming familiar with our website. You may find our most recent annual report of interest too. As a staff member, you'll become an official member so it's good for you to also be acquainted with our church's bylaws

Step Three

Participate in the one-day orientation with our Lead Pastor and those who are called upon to join you in that experience. Did we mention free food?! You'll get access to our staff handbook, forms, job descriptions, learn all about our policies, procedures, software, applications, and the technology we use to get stuff done. Most importantly, we'll discuss our staff core values and we'll begin to help you understand the culture of our team. In preparation for this orientation, you'll need to watch and listen to the Trust vs. Suspicion content located here. If you like organizational charts to see how things generally fit together and how we relate to one another you can take a look at ours here


These three words are a part of the learning curve as you acclimate to the "one church in two locations" culture of Riverside. As part of the onboarding process and moving forward, it will be important that you learn what is fixed, what is flex, and what is free. You will find this to be a tension to manage rather than a problem to solve. We admit that it's a bit subjective and situational. That's why it takes time to learn. Be patient with us (and yourself) as you figure it out. Here are some initial guidelines to help you get started.

  1. Some cultural matters/areas are FIXED (purpose, core values, language, branding, colors, merchandise, budget).
  2. Some cultural matters/areas are FLEX (pictures on the walls, coffee/food, scheduling approach, numbers of team members, recruitment process, teaching styles, contextualized and guided by the differences in the spaces/facilities themselves).
  3. Some cultural matters/areas are FREE (e.g. furniture in blue rooms, personalities/styles, contextualized and guided by the differences in the spaces/facilities themselves). 

When you are uncertain, please ask. We’ll figure it out together!

Step Four

Begin to familiarize yourself with the Scriptural texts, graphics and statements below. They were first released to our church in January of 2020 through a sermon series entitled We At RCC. These will give you a vivid picture of several metaphors we use to describe our vision for living as followers of Jesus. 

Our dream is to be welcoming and relevant to this generation, connecting people to Jesus Christ that they would be transformed by the power of God's love and empowered by the Holy Spirit to radically change the world around them. We strive to REVERE God through a life of worship, CONNECT with others in authentic caring, community, and CONTRIBUTE to helping others both near and far.

  • Hand To The Plow

    We are followers who will leave our past behind to wholeheartedly follow Jesus. We won't remain fansInconvenience will not stand in our way – even when something is costly or messy. We value engagement over sitting in comfort watching life go by. - Luke 9:57-62

  • Fly The Kite

    We live to be Spirit-led & Spirit-inspired followers who will seek to catch the wind of the Spirit wherever the wind blows. We depend on the Holy Spirit for everything as His movement. We value risk and adventure over safety and comfort and doing the same thing over and over again. - John 3:1-8

  • Empty The Jar

    We are followers who are forgiven and live lives that reflect our gratitude in reverence. We are active responders to the grace and mercy of God. With our words and our actions, we seek to honor and pursue the One who knows us best and loves us most. We invite the Holy Spirit to restore our souls and redirect our lives so we may better love God and others. We give spontaneously, strategically, and sacrificially. We value wholehearted worship over religious rituals. - Luke 7:36-50

  • Live As Branches

    We are followers who live as branches that stay connected to Jesus. We are created and called to connect as a community and we are better together than on our own. Because authentic relationships are the best way to foster real-life change, we seek to grow spiritually, develop meaningful, healthy friendships, and experience genuine Christian community. We value interconnectedness over independence. - John 15:1-17

  • Through The Roof

    We are followers who love radically. We'll do what it takes to selflessly and sacrificially serve others in Jesus' Name. We'll respond to our calling to contribute to this world with intentional and focused effort. We'll get dirty and do what is necessary to live lives that glorify Him. We refuse to be spectators – we are participators. We find true life in giving it away. It’s not about us. The journey to self is a dead-end street, but the journey to others leads ever higher and longer. We believe that all people matter to God and every follower has the privilege and responsibility to extend God’s care through our time, talent, and treasure. We value "outside the box" thinking and strive to model the way in innovation- Luke 5:17-26

Step Five

Read the following books that we'll provide for you right away ...  

The top three books will give you an introduction to how we begin to help people individually find and follow Jesus. The final book, Know What You're For, will give you an understanding of the RCC strategy of communications both to our congregation and to the world around us. You can learn more about our communications strategy and process here.  

Step Six

Participate in a three-month evaluation. In this meeting, you'll be evaluating us! Here are some of the questions you can expect to discuss with us that will help us to see our organization through a new set of eyes. This is where you can help us to improve! 

  1. Do you see anything we are doing that is off-mission or off-purpose?
  2. Do you see anything that frustrates you? Any areas you're feeling stifled? 

  3. Do you have a good friend at work?
  4. Do you have all the tools you need to do your job?

  5. Are you doing what we hired you to do?

  6. What has surprised you? 
  7. What are you enjoying most? 
  8. Where have we over-promised and under-delivered? 
  9. What do you need clarity about to help you prepare for the 6-month evaluation? 
  10. What does a really good day at work look like, and when was the last time you had one?
  11. What does a really bad day at work look like, and when was the last time you had one?
  12. What are you worried about?
  13. Other: ____________________

Step Seven

Participate in a six-month evaluation. In this meeting you will be evaluated but don't worry, we spend a lot of time in ongoing evaluation to avoid any major surprises in this conversation. (The giving and receiving of feedback is extremely important to us so if this is an opportunity for your growth we encourage you to invest time to develop this leadership skill here.) This meeting will focus on the 7-C's and your job description. This is where we hope to help you to discuss the alignment of what you've been doing with what we hired you to do. We'll also discuss how you're feeling about "your seat on the bus."

Beyond these first initial steps you'll have future opportunities for yearly reviews and evaluations that contain questions and conversation starters like these ... 

  1. What are you doing in your position to help people find and follow Jesus and to live at the intersection of our three core values (revere, connect, contribute)?
  2. In terms of your primary area of responsibility, how did this year go for you? How are you doing?
  3. What is especially gratifying and meaningful about your work?
  4. What are the most satisfying achievements for you in your ministry this year and why?
  5. Have there been major areas of concern, disappointment, or frustration in your ministry this year? If so, please share what these were and why.
  6. How is this year going for Riverside Church? How are we doing?
  7. Do you have major personal or professional concerns you would like to discuss?
  8. What two or three professional goals do you have for the next 12–18 months, and are they measurable and include realistic time horizons?
  9. What do you believe to be your strengths and gifts for ministry?
  10. What energizes you about your ministry?
  11. What training may have been completed and/or begun during the past year?
  12. Are there areas you are would like to target for continuing development in the next year? Are there specific plans for addressing these plans?
  13. What’s it feel like to work here?
  14. What’s it feel like to work here … with me?
  15. What suggestions can you make for me? How can I be of more support and assistance in helping you perform your ministry better?
  16. Feel free to share here what did not fit into the above questions that you deem important to discuss.

“Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

(‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭7‬ NLT)‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

  1. Do you know what is expected of you at work?
  2. Do you have the materials and equipment that you need in order to do your work right?
  3. Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
  4. In the past seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work?
  5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person?
  6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?
  7. At work, do your opinions seem to count?
  8. Does the mission or purpose of Riverside make you feel that your job is important?
  9. Are your coworkers committed to doing quality work?
  10. Do you have a best friend at work?
  11. In the past six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?
  12. This past year, have you had opportunities at work to learn and grow?

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

  1. How are you glorifying God with the quantity of your work?
  2. How are you glorifying God with the quality of your work?
  3. How are you glorifying God with the timeliness of your work?
  4. How are you glorifying God with your resourcefulness?
  5. How are you glorifying God by growing in self-reliance? (Do we need to hold your hand?)
  6. How are you glorifying God by adding skills to your talent portfolio? 
  7. How are you glorify God by developing increasingly effective work habits? 
  8. How are you glorifying God by helping everyone win across the organization?
  9. How are you glorifying God by making sure that you are having staff and congregational impact? Is your work thrilling and changing the people that it's supposed to affect? 
  10. How are you glorify God by demonstrating a Christ-like attitude and Christ-like conduct?

That's it! We believe in you! You can do this! God's got His hand upon You!

Board meetings

If you are a ministry department head you will join our monthly Board Meeting once a year to share with the Deacons your answers to questions like these ...

1. How have things been for you since your last time with the Board personally

2. How have things been for you since your last time with the Board professionally?

3. How is your spouse (if married)? How are the two of you doing? 

4. How is your family? 

5. What are you planning for the coming season of ministry (opportunities/obstacles)? 

6. How can we be praying for you? 

7. How can we support you (tools, resources)?