2024 Annual REPORT

lead pastor letter

"In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord." 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)

This year, our theme is Set Apart. We are set apart when we live like Christ. This speaks to our identity. Because of Jesus, we are made holy, sanctified, distinct, dedicated, and consecrated. Jesus calls us to be set apart, and we respond by following Him to live set apart. In Christ, we are set apart from sin, and we are set apart for Him and His righteousness. Jesus prayed for his disciples the night before He went to the cross. His prayer is as relevant for us today as it was for them. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we embrace His prayer...

"Set them apart in truth; your word is truth." John 17:17 (NET)

In the ministry reports below, you will be encouraged to hear how the Lord has been working through you to assist children, students, young adults, and adults in living Set Apart lives. Throughout 2024, we have had the joy of welcoming many new faces into the Riverside family and celebrated life transformations through 58 baptisms (click on the images below for the baptism highlight videos)! Three highlights for me this year were the release of two original songs (Alive & The Name) by our Creative Arts team, witnessing the positive impact of our Side-by-Side Network and observing our students, young adults, and adults making a meaningful difference in Philadelphia and the Dominican Republic.

This year, our team has welcomed Jesa Guerra, Marcie Lohr, Jodie Skanderson, and Gavin Zahner. Each brings a fervent dedication to their respective roles, honoring the Lord through their gifts, talents, and contributions. I am fortunate to collaborate with our staff and Board of Deacons, including Don Greb, Tyler Nichols, Mark Schubert, Heidi Serventi, and Mike Wolf. Their unwavering prayers, encouragement, support, and guidance have been invaluable to Amie and me.


As you review the videos from each of our team leaders, please take time to express gratitude for the remarkable accomplishments achieved this past year in the name of Jesus. Take time to celebrate the moments shared with you, showcasing some of the cherished individuals supported by our church family. Reflect on the fact that when you generously, thoughtfully, and selflessly contributed, you invested in our purpose to help people find and follow Jesus. Amie and I extend our warmest wishes and heartfelt love to you. We’re so honored to be part of the RCC Family. Our collective efforts have provided discipleship and spiritual growth opportunities as we embody our core values of reverence, connection, and contribution. Let’s continue to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did!


With my gratitude,


David Kennard // Lead Pastor

campus pastors


To watch the Annual MySideOf Riverside Rally Thank You! video, click on the image below!

KIDS ministry


To watch highlights from GLOW, Weekend Retreat (Who You Say I Am) and Bible Adventure Week (Scuba), click on the images below!

Student Ministry


To watch highlights of the annual Winter Retreat (Hot & Cold) and Beach Escape (NEW), click on the images below!

Young Adult Ministry


Worship and Creative Arts


Listen to Riverside Worship originals, Alive and The Name, by clicking the images below!


Watch the Impact: Dominican Republic trip recap by clicking on the image below!

In 2024 you went above and beyond to give to those around us both near and far! We financially supported 13 missionaries in 11 countries as well as 10 local ministry organizations on a regular monthly basis. We raised over $58,560 to feed children through Convoy of Hope’s One Day to Feed the World offering. We raised $8,335 through our SEAPC Care for Kids campaign to make practical improvements to the Kampong Speu and Kampong Chhnang Children's Homes in Cambodia! We raised $7,635 and collected 257 bags of groceries and 116 large bags of clothing and blankets for local food banks in February and October, and we were able to provide gifts for 29 kids and teens during our Christmas Giving initiatives. You also graciously helped to raise $5,415 for the efforts of our local Salvation Army!

You served the needs of our surrounding communities by providing free community dinners, participating in four Serve the Burgh initiatives, ringing bells for the Salvation Army’s kettle campaign, and donating food, toiletries, and clothing to our annual food/clothing drives. Riversiders returned to serve in both the Dominican Republic and the Philadelphia Dream Center this year in February and June, respectively. Bless you for seeing the many needs and responding with selfless, sacrificial generosity. We do more as a church when everyone gives and participates, even in small ways; it adds up to make a very big difference in our world! We remain FOR the World by being FOR the big FOUR: praying, serving, giving, and going. There is no better return on investment than the return we will one day see when God’s Kingdom is fully and finally established. Thank you for contributing to the needs around us both near and far!

The Riverside Dollar