Please pray for my friend Brian. He is a struggling alcoholic and recently out of rehab. Has fallen back into drinking. Please pray for strength and guidance for him.
My friend's mother died of cancer not long ago.
For my son. He is starting a new job. He has some demons that he is fighting. I need prayer that he keeps fighting them!
Our grandson Conor has a bowel obstruction and is in AGH. More tests being done today. Please pray for good results. He will be 22 next Tuseday and plays baseball for Cal U. He was in Florida playing for the college when he had to fly home yesterday. We trust no matter what happens God will bring good out of this situation. Thanks.
Little boy named Luca. He is 15 months old with tumors throughout, mostly in his brain causing uncontrollable seizures and was planning for open brain surgery next month. Just today he went back into the hospital due to significant increase in brain pressure, now blind in his peripheral vision, and his kidneys are worsening. Prayers for a healing for Luca, continued faith for his family, and guidance for his medical team.
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