Called to



This page provides action steps for those who are interested in being a part of our Impact Trips. These local, regional, and global short-term experiences are designed to help us fulfill our purpose of helping people find and follow Jesus. Are you ready to make an Impact?! 

Take Action!

Sign up and participate in the Connect Group below. This group will begin to Biblically prepare you to live out Jesus' call to love the nations and what to expect as you start this journey of impacting othersIf you are interested in participating in a regional or global Impact Trip, you will learn about the application process during the Impact Connect Group. Please contact with questions. 

Please note: completion of this group is a requirement to go on an Impact Trip. This group is offered periodically throughout the year. 


Campus: Oakmont Campus
Meeting Time: 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm  
Location: Oakmont Campus, Rm. 302
Childcare: No
Type: Missions/Outreach

Ever feel that nudge of the Holy Spirit for missions/outreach? That heart-pounding, breath-stealing moment when you long to go and make an impact? Jesus is calling, just as He did in His final command to us, "Go and make disciples of all the nations." Matthew 28:19 (NIV).

Become equipped to go by exploring gospel-centered outreach that combines action with the message of salvation in the name of Christ. Learn to effectively support local, regional, and international ministry partners. Be part of the change that lasts far beyond a week - one that impacts lives for eternity. And be personally prepared physically, emotionally, and spiritually to make a lasting difference for others as you are blessed by serving.

Is God calling you to go?

Sign Up HERE!

This group is offered periodically throughout the year. 

Requirements: Materials will be provided.

Contact: Mike Wolf | | 614.582.0927



Leader: Mike Wolf Mike Wolf | | 614.582.0927

Date: 2026

Location: Philadelphia Dream Center, Philadelphia, PA

Cost: TBD

Maximum Team Size: 15

Info: We will partner with David and Sherrie Dominguez at the Philly Dream Center through various outreach opportunities, such as Adopt A Block, Construction Projects, Foster Care Intervention, Food Trucks, and Kids Outreaches. We will stay on the Dream Center campus while gaining hands-on experience by teaming up with staff to directly impact people in need from one of America's most desperate and at-risk places.


Leader: David Kennard

Date: 2026

Location: Liverpool, England

Cost: TBD

Maximum Team Size: TBD

Info: More details to come!