We At rcc

Welcome to a page designed to help you discover who we are as a church family. The content here will explain our purpose, core values, and the culture we are prayerfully seeking to cultivate at Riverside. Watch the This Is Us introductory message and the We At RCC sermon series below. It will give you a vivid picture of several metaphors we use to describe our vision for living as followers of Jesus. 

Our dream is to be welcoming and relevant to this generation, connecting people to Jesus Christ that they would be transformed by the power of God's love and empowered by the Holy Spirit to radically change the world around them. We strive to REVERE God through a life of worship, CONNECT with others in authentic caring, community, and CONTRIBUTE to helping others both near and far.

  • We are followers who will leave our past behind to wholeheartedly follow Jesus. We won't remain fansInconvenience will not stand in our way – even when something is costly or messy. We value engagement over sitting in comfort watching life go by. - Luke 9:57-62

  • We live to be Spirit-led & Spirit-inspired followers who will seek to catch the wind of the Spirit wherever the wind blows. We depend on the Holy Spirit for everything as His movement. We value risk and adventure over safety and comfort and doing the same thing over and over again. - John 3:1-8

  • We are followers who are forgiven and live lives that reflect our gratitude in reverence. We are active responders to the grace and mercy of God. With our words and our actions, we seek to honor and pursue the One who knows us best and loves us most. We invite the Holy Spirit to restore our souls and redirect our lives so we may better love God and others. We give spontaneously, strategically, and sacrificially. We value wholehearted worship over religious rituals. - Luke 7:36-50

  • We are followers who live as branches that stay connected to Jesus. We are created and called to connect as a community and we are better together than on our own. Because authentic relationships are the best way to foster real-life change, we seek to grow spiritually, develop meaningful, healthy friendships, and experience genuine Christian community. We value interconnectedness over independence. - John 15:1-17

  • We are followers who love radically. We'll do what it takes to selflessly and sacrificially serve others in Jesus' Name. We'll respond to our calling to contribute to this world with intentional and focused effort. We'll get dirty and do what is necessary to live lives that glorify Him. We refuse to be spectators – we are participators. We find true life in giving it away. It’s not about us. The journey to self is a dead-end street, but the journey to others leads ever higher and longer. We believe that all people matter to God and every follower has the privilege and responsibility to extend God’s care through our time, talent, and treasure. We value "outside the box" thinking and strive to model the way in innovation- Luke 5:17-26