Welcome to the Riverside Community Church internship process! This page is designed to be a "one-stop" central hub for all the resources designed to help you become familiar with an internship at RCC. As you work through the various steps we encourage you to take notes, ask questions, and keep coming back here as often as necessary until you have a sense of ownership of the content we have curated here for your benefit. We're praying for you!


1. Review the Intern Ministry Description

2. Apply here (as a part of the application, you will be required to submit the appropriate documentation from the secondary school for review). 

3. Interview with the Lead Pastor and Supervising Pastor.

4. We will notify you regarding your acceptance into the internship program as soon as possible. 

5. If accepted, you will meet with your Supervising Pastor to review the details of your internship. Details will include the following:  

Questions should be directed to internships@riversideconnect.org


If you are accepted as an RCC Intern you will take many of these assessments so return here to take each of them once you've arrived at this stage in the process.  

  1. Core Values Assessment
  2. Enneagram Type
  3. Evangelism Styles Assessment
  4. Introvert/Extrovert Spectrum Assessment
  5. Myers-Briggs
  6. Sacred Pathways Inventory
  7. Smalley/Trent Personality Inventory
  8. Spiritual Gifts Inventory
  9. VARK Assessment
  10. Working Genius - a link to take this assessment will be emailed to you! 

Global university

This section deals only with students who are interested in Internships through Global University (online). Below are examples of the internships requirements for each year. 

First Year Internship Instructions (Beginning Ministry Internship Rubric - Student Edition, Beginning Ministry Internship Rubric - Supervising Minister Edition, Checklist for Assignments, Spiritual Gifts Survey)

Second Year Internship - Not Available Yet

Third Year Internship - Not Available Yet 

Learn more about the Global University here.