One Day to Feed the World is Convoy of Hope’s campaign that transforms lives. When everyone commits to giving one day’s salary, we harness the power of equal sacrifice instead of focusing on equal giving. When you give through Convoy of Hope, poverty and hunger are replaced by hope and love. Riverside has received this annual offering to support One Day to Feed the World for over 20 years. In addition to natural disaster relief and recovery services, Convoy of Hope's feeding initiatives serve over 125,000 children each day. Each $1 given is leveraged into $7 worth of food, water and supplies because of corporate partner donations. Our day of giving will be Sunday, November 19, but you can give anytime in the month of November below!


Riverside partners with missionaries Chad and Terri Nelson in the Dominican Republic. In February, an Impact Team will join them to continue serving the area of Santo Domingo through Convoy of Hope and their initiatives in food, supplies, women's empowerment and agriculture. Together we have supported both financially and through prayer the building of this new warehouse to better serve those in Santo Domingo and continue to spread the Gospel. Learn more from Chad Nelson and check out the photo gallery below! 



Kim and Bryan Burr live in Nairobi, Kenya. They have lived in Kenya since 1997 and have raised their three children there. Bryan serves as the Director for Convoy of Hope Kenya and works with the Kenya Assemblies of God to see the church as the transformative agent in each community. Through water projects such as wells, catchment dams, and water harvesting systems, they provide clean water to communities through the local church. A women's empowerment program trains women in small business start ups and introduces them to the church mentoring program. Agriculture projects help communities that are transitioning away from dependence on large herds of cattle and also helps to restore land that has been devastated by over grazing and persistent droughts. In all these efforts the Burrs see the church as the focal point for transformation, physically, socially and spiritually. The goal of the Kenya Assemblies of God is to have a vibrant church within walking distance of every Kenyan. 

Read their lastest updates below! 

Drought in Kenya

The entire East Africa region has suffered the worst drought in 40 years. Convoy of Hope has been working for over a year with the Kenya Assemblies of God to provide food to communities devastated by failed rainy seasons six years in a row. Villages in Northern Kenya, the Turkana Area, have six-year-old children with no memory of rain. They were under one year old the last time it rained! Animals and wildlife have also been severely affected, with no signs of wildlife for miles. In a prosperous season, one can see hundreds of camels, donkeys, goats, and sheep even in a short drive. Unfortunately, no antelope or ostriches are present, and they are typically found in dry areas.


Regina, pictured below, is an elderly widow who lost all her goats to the drought. Convoy started a goat and silage program, and Regina is one of the beneficiaries. When we met her again in July, she told us that the small herd of goats she received, five goats, had been able to provide milk for her and her grandchildren that she was helping to raise. She said she was thankful for the Church and how they cared for the community. 

food distribution

Convoy of Hope and the Kenya Assemblies of God facilitated food distributions in key communities several times monthly for over a year. The District Superintendent, Wilson Lokolei, organized pastors and district officials to lead the distributions and provide ministry to those who came to get food. Many have walked over 7 miles in 105-degree heat without water to receive distributions. They would listen to the Gospel message, wait patiently for the distribution to start, and then rejoice and sing before leaving to walk back home. 

Life changed by prayer

Distributions have a physical impact here in Kenya. We met an older man in February when we visited his village. He was lying on the ground, too weak to stand or even speak to us. A young Turkana man joined me, and we prayed for him and gave him food. I thought the older man wouldn’t even make it home; I knew he was close to death when I saw him.

When we returned to this village in July, I asked the young man what happened to the older man we prayed for, and he got excited. He said: “He is here and doing well, sitting with the other old men!” The young man was so impressed with what the church was doing in his community that he decided to join the ministry. He is now training to be a pastor in Lodwar at the Bible School. He is pictured with his wife below. 

Growth in Kenya

District Superintendent Wilson Lokalei reports growth in the church due to the partnership between Convoy of Hope and the KAG. Many pastors say that people planning to move for better grass and water for animals have stayed. It rained for the first time in years this past March. We are committed to standing with our church partners in these remote areas as they proclaim Jesus in these last days!


Through numerous health scares and surgeries for Bryan and Kim, they continue to Walk Worthy of their calling to serve in Kenya, No Matter What.  

Your One Day transforms their every day.

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